Consent letter for minors travelling abroad

Consent letter for minors travelling abroad

Order travel consent

The following sample consent letter, can be ordered to meet your specific needs when a child is travelling abroad.

Consent letter for minors travelling abroad. Do you intend to travel abroad with a child over whom you do not have parental authority? Please use this form to prove that the persons with parental authority over the child have given you permission to travel abroad with the child.

Many countries in the world have a requirement, advise or recommend minors to bring with them a parental / guardian’s consent when minors travel with only one of the parents, when travelling alone, and if the child is travelling with someone other than their parent (s).

You can order a certificate, the following sample of parental consent letter that proves that the other parent / guardian gives consent to the trip and / or which shows both parents / guardians’ consent to the trip.

We recommend that minors carry parental consent letter when travelling abroad alone, with only one parent / guardian, with friends, relatives or with a group. The parental consent can be ordered by all nationalities.

The purpose of parental disclosure is to help combat human trafficking and to prevent violations of family law and avoid complicated international legal disputes and to reduce the cases of abduction of children in custody disputes.

Your responsibility as a parent

Parental consent is issued after we receive your payment. The document is sent to the email address you specify in the order and is printable.

The child travel consent form is used for any minor that has permission to travel from their parent or legal guardian. The consent letter for minors travelling abroad should be used for domestic or international travel. It’s preferred to have the consent form signed by both parents if both parents have custody of the child.


Many embassies, countries and authorities have as a requirement or strongly recommend that minors bring with them a parental consent when travelling abroad.

You need to fill in all the information contained in the form, which will then be sent to the e-mail address you specify in the form directly after ompleting your order.

Skapa ett föräldramedgivande snabbt och enkelt online. Gäller för barn som reser med en vårdnadshavare, någon annan än sina vårdnadshavare eller ensam.

Senaste nytt

Skapa ett föräldramedgivande snabbt och enkelt online. Gäller för barn som reser med en vårdnadshavare, någon annan än sina vårdnadshavare eller ensam.
