Order pre-printed invitation letter
Invitation letter Sweden
Information about the invitation letter:
You need to fill in a ”invitation letter form” if you wish to invite a relative or friend to visit you in Sweden.
Maximum 90 days in a period of 180 days or invitation for visiting longer than 90 days.
There are two forms of ”Invitation letter” for this purpose, 90 days or visiting longer than 90 days. You can order pre-printed forms from Utrikesgruppen (Swedish Foreign Affairs Group) at a cost. You can place the order online here.
By ordering the forms from Utrikesgruppen (Swedish Foreign Affairs Group), you will receive the documents sent to your residential address, stamps are included and spelling corrected as well.
Order invitation letter well in advance of the visit
It is always good to order the invitation letter well in advance of the visit to Sweden. This is because the processing takes time at Migrationsverket ”the Swedish Migration Board”.
You can not apply for a visa for someone else. Your relative or friend must submit their application, invitation, copy of passport and identity card. However, you must invite your relative or friend. And for this purpose you use the invitation letter Sweden.